Melanie Bouzanne

Program & Year of Study
3A, Honours Materials and NanosciencesTop three platform points
1. Reform WUSA clubs
- Change the funding process by restructuring the termly budget process and helping clubs find external funding.
- Improve inefficiencies in the cheque request process, booking spaces, and facilitate Clubs-WUSA communication.
2. Strengthen and support student societies
- Student societies were hit hard by COVID, and some of them need support to complete their recovery. SciSoc’s CnD has struggled, and the ASU
has had a bumpy road. WUSA is well placed to support societies like these in their operations.
3. Improving Academic Supports and AccessAbility
- Students enrolled with AccessAbility are supposed to have support but often struggle to access them.
- Students not enrolled with AccessAbility still run into difficulty but often get left behind, unless they have particularly understanding
- Facilitating communication between faculty, students, staff, and other parties involved can help improve understanding and the
implementation of solutions to some of these issues faced by students.
Reason why someone should vote for you in 100 words or less
I’m not a student politician—this is my first time running for a position like this and I’m tired of seeing people who don’t really care get elected to board.
I’m passionate and dedicated to building and maintaining positive communities around campus. My involvement in FemPhys and helping rebuild Chem Club during my time as an executive in F24 allowed me to connect and listen to the issues students around me face. I want to bring this value to WUSA to help all undergrads, especially those who fall through the cracks in the system.
Links to any website, social media accounts and/or email address
Personal email:
Team email:
Profile on Team Horizon’s website:
Team website:
Instagram: @Vote4Horizon