Onella Kulatunga

Program & Year of Study
3, Arts & Business (Major: Psychology, Minor: Legal Studies)Top three platform points
My 3 Pillars:
1: Ensuring Student Safety:
With political tensions on the rise country-wide and increased harassment against individuals, I vow to work towards a future where students, regardless of identity, feel safe and respected. As your prospective VP, I do not accept discrimination and will work to ensure it's reflected in our student experience.
2. Comprehensive Student Financial Aid:
While financial aid helps millions of students every year, there is room for much needed improvements to ensure students (including myself) are getting the aid they require.
3. Mental Health Supports:
Managing one's mental health is not a one-time thing and neither should the funding these supports receive. As an individual who has utilized the supports our school offers, I want to continue to make sure our mental health supports continue to recieve the funding they deserve.
Reason why someone should vote for you in 100 words or less
I have no other interest but that of the student body's at heart. I am running for Vice President because I honestly think that my past work experience along with my pure drive to make a difference for the better, makes me the best candidate for this position. And if given the chance, while I can't promise perfection, I can promise my very best!
Links to any website, social media accounts and/or email address
You can learn more about my platform on my website:
For more about my work experience, you can go to my LinkedIn @Onella Kulatunga