Nick Pfeifle

Program & Year of Study
5, Nanotechnology EngineeringTop three platform points
1. Governance
For years I have been carefully engaged with governance at the university. I persistently protested the adoption of the new governance mode and its side effects. I strongly believe we should allow refugees to hold positions of power within WUSA, and make it easier for disadvantaged groups to get involved. At current our system allows for abuses of power, confused hierarchies, and rampant workplace maltreatment. WUSA could be a powerful tool to unite students behind a common cause, but at present it only serves to drive a wedge between peers. I make no claim to perfection, but I am confident that by making governance updates driven by the values, ideals, and will of the student body we will better represent the student will. It is high time that WUSA ditches its fear of the student body, and embraces the wisdom of crowds.
Throughout the pandemic, all of us experienced the highs and lows of modern employment. While many of us enjoyed the newfound freedom of WFH placements, it was particularly brutal on frontline workers and junior employees. I was subject to unjust, and exploitative work multiple times in order to meet my co-op requirements. The co-op system remains unfair, and has long needed to be fixed. I will continue to put students and workers first, recognizing the value of their labour, both in the market of today, and the workplace of the future. Student work must be treated as the service it is, rather than seen as a source of free effort. Closing loopholes in provincial legislation would be ideal, but at the bare minimum, we demand internal treatment respective of our abilities, creativity, and innovation.
3. Environment
UWaterloo has an obligation to ensure that our activities have a positive impact on the health of our built environment, our ecosystem, and our communities. As your president, I will pursue stronger environmental protections, work to divest from polluting, unstable industries, and educate writ large on collective responsibilities. Each individual may not be able to reverse the damage of private jets, agricultural deforestation, and oil billionaires; but we can shrink the city-sized footprint UW currently has. Housing, transit, chemical and carbon pollutants are all prime candidates for stewardship. While the best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, we can get shovels in the ground now.
Reason why someone should vote for you in 100 words or less
Years of advocacy have pushed me to finally step up to the plate. I’ve dusted myself off and gone to bat for students time and time again. As a Student Senator, environmental advocate, design team captain, and more, I’ve gained an uncontested knowledge of student hardships. Far too often, I have been subjected to those same troubles, but never gave up the fight. From contests with CEE, WUSA, EngSoc and even the Secrecy Act, I am unwavering in my conviction to put public safety and public interest first. And I can eat a head of lettuce faster than you. :)
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